When trying to distribute your release, if you have not correctly entered the metadata (the release information), the system may detect a validation error that will appear when clicking on the folowwing button on the "4. Preview and Distribute" tab:
If the following message appears when you select the button ("Label with a valid name is required"):
It is that you have not entered the name of the Label correctly.
How to solve it
To be able to fix it you must follow these steps:
- Go to the "1. Album info" tab of the release.
- In the "Label*" section, enter the name of the label in the blank space and select "Add a new label".
- Swipe down and select "Save" to save your changes.
If you are not with any label you can enter the name of the group or the main artist.
Important: The length of a label name should not be too long, otherwise it may cause the content not to be published by some channels.
If for some reason, even after making the necessary changes, you are still unable to validate the release, you can contact our support department: support@lacupulamusic.com.
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