To change the audio of a track, enter your account, select the album, enter the track you want to change, delete the existing audio and upload the new audio again.
- Open the disc and go to "3. Tracks":
- Select the pencil to enter to edit the desired track:
- Select "Erase Audio":
- Once deleted, select "Upload Audio" and upload the desired audio from the computer:
- While the new audio is being uploaded, the following message will appear. You can continue editing the album normally, as this process may take a few minutes. Captura_de_pantalla_2019-06-20_a_las_17.55.02.png
- You can check that the audio is loaded when you see the option to play next to the track title:
When you're done, perform an update so that the change reaches the selected channels.
If the song has already been distributed, should I unsubscribe and upload it again?
It should NOT be redistributed. First, you must replace the audio and then perform an update so that the new audio reaches all channels.
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