When you create an account on La Cupula Music's platform, you accept the Terms and Conditions of our contract, in which it is stated that any amount paid for the distribution process will not be refunded.
Remember that you will have a 30 days period, starting on the day you receive the QC notification, to make all the necessary changes or send the necessary documents. If we don't receive an answer, or if the changes are not made before the 30 days period, this content will be taken down from the distribution process and the amount paid will not be returned.
If you wish to cancel your release's distribution before it is sent to the channels, you must write us an email at support@lacupulamusic.com and we will proceed to take it down from the QC queue. This way, the album won't be sent to any of the selected channels.
If you have made the distribution order, but after the changes required from QC in order to approve the release you prefer not to do it, the only option we can give you is to change the release for a different one that meets the requirements. In this case, you only need to change the files and the metadata for this same release, instead of creating a new one.
If you have any doubts, please contact us at support@lacupulamusic.com.
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